Monday, 5 September 2011

Why We Failed Rebuilding Civilization Islam?

Why We Failed Rebuilding Civilization Islam?
IN a story of the people, supposedly a blind man given sight within minutes. While literacy, he was only able to see a donkey that is in front of him. Then his vision blinded again. After that, when deemed something to him, he asked: "Is it like a donkey?" Or he would say: "How is it compared to a donkey?" The story may be myth. But it reflects the human condition that have never seen anything else, except for specific purposes. So images, and presumably focused or related to what was seen. Again, I want to turn to build a civilization. Many people talk or campaign for Muslims to become an advanced and rebuild the glory of civilization. Unfortunately, sometimes the dikempen or maybe the campaign did not understand the core and basis of Islamic civilization. But when talking about the progress they continue to only reflected by the progress of civilization or that they are witnesses in this era of Western civilization. To not reflected by those other than Western lives. Especially when compared to the backwardness of the nations of Islam today. Thus, for they seem to if we want to progress and civilized society, we must have what the West is owned, culturally western, western style, speaking with Western languages, berhiburan with Western entertainment and so on.Muslim civilization and progress of the past is history which can be read. Just like the story of the blind and donkeys.

She could only imagine what he had seen. But his mind is reflected in the ass compared to other animals that just told him, while he had never seen. In short, to be developed today, many Muslims think they have to adopting what is in the West. To scoop Western technology, difficult and long process. It is also not easy for the West to teach all that knowledge, because it does not bear long-term benefits for them. The most quickly taken out by Muslims is a Western lifestyle. Thus, we have imported Western fashions in dress and culture. As we campaign for the advancement of the people, just look at the development of entertainment. All formats of Western entertainment brought and traded here. While the Muslims were the melariskannya. Entertainment in our media, not only had to scoop a Western-style creativity, even the name of the program was not able to be changed. But our children are dropping in many matters of life, because the style was developed with the clothing and entertainment in the West. That is the reality of our artists.
Then taken out and be successful with the 'ranggi'nya here is a negative value. While positive, we are begging from the West. Just as the Arabs are proud of Western luxury car but the country and its people have not been able to produce even a bicycle. In fact, every second of their oil revenue was robbed by the West. Our problem - possibly including their trustees to manage the progress of Muslims - has failed to understand what is the basis or measure progress in Islam which the first Muslim to become an example and leader of the earth. In many television programs sponsored by certain parties, when trying to describe the progress of the published pictures of people wearing lebai 'or skull cap or cloak play in front of the computer. Or the picture of the religious tie, slightly smaller than the size of a prayer rug or the like. But, not every computer civilized brain. Ustaz who knows how many lectures on television, who played in front of the computer, but the content reflects the backwardness of his talk is the way he thought.Not all who wear a tie, the first-class brain. Also, not all who use the Internet showing him to be a civilized human. It was all just enjoyed the results of the progress and extent of knowledge. Not the basis for human civilization according to the Qur'an and alsunah.
Erected on the principle of Islamic civilization and way of thinking or akidahnya disciplined mind based on syariah principles. An old man cycling in the village but the character with the community, respect the rights of the people, more civilized than the tie, neat figure, but to take bribes. Uncle of sarong that littering in tongnya, more civilized than those wearing charming, but threw his cigarette butt here and there. More than that, according to Islam, a less wealthy but keep akidahnya from kesyirikan and kekhurafatan is more civilized than a luxury car but bertangkal, or commuting to the house healer. Civilization began the belief that peace and the right way of thinking based on the spirit of the Quran and al-Sunnah. Due to the loss of faith and the correct way of thinking then the civilization which we build. We will fail to build it unless we settle the question of construction in the understanding of Islamic civilization prinsipprinsip. Although we have bodies, organizations, institutes, departments associated with the advance of Islam, we are not able to see developed. The reason is the fundamental question of understanding the Islamic civilization was not only not understood by the public, but sometimes fail to understand the Executing it. In fact, appreciate the true meaning of Islam to appreciate the greatness of civilization. But a narrow interpretation of Islam and its practitioners of a conservative Muslim defeats the original bring back the original. Islam is the source of the holy Quran and al-Sunnah with the interpretation based on the early generations (salaf) of proven natural lead was used. Those who appreciate and work with the great resources this means he practiced Islam.Those who practice the true Islam mean that he is to appreciate a great civilization. Backwardness of the people, because they deviate from the two sources of this general. Or wrong in interpreting the sources. Keep in mind, we can not build a civilization with a glorious escape from the ties of Islam, ostensibly to gain progress. If we want civilization to separate yourself from the bonds of Islam, al-Quran and al-Sunnah, then we should not build it the name of Islam.
If you want to civilization in the sense that is not understood by Islam, Western civilization has been spread out for us to profess it.But when we want to build the name of progress and civilization of Islam, then we should be bound by the requirements and regulations of Islam. Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi: "However, we wish to emphasize from the beginning that hadarah (civilization) that Muslims want to dirikannya unlike other civilizations that emphasizes a materialist view of life, which was concerned with the angle, and desires in the human body. Delicious immediate importance in the world. Thus, it is the world's largest things to be concerned and that is the knowledge. It does not put to Allah a position referred to in its philosophy. There is no room for him in the system of thought and education. This contrasts with hadarah al-Islam (Islamic civilization). It connects people to God, binding between the earth and the sky. It makes the world for the hereafter.Blends the spirit of materialism. Balance between the mind and heart. Merging between science and faith. It is concerned about the moral as it does on material development. It's really spiritual and material civilization, dream and reality, godly and humane, moral development, individual and communal. It is a civilization that is balanced and moderate. "(Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, al-Sunnah al-Ma'rifat masdaran li wa al-Hadarat, p. 204, prints: Dar al-Syuruq, Egypt.) It is very good when we provide civilized people of the past exhibitions. However, if visitors simply not enough to know the results without understanding the site on which they build a civilization. The items came from the soul of honor to defend the people and fresh minds for life and self-discipline.
Thus we could not understand and critique of civilization has been built by Muslims in the past generation without faith and the teaching of Islam to appreciate their strong hold on him. They build a civilization with Islam diimani die by them. The Islamic civilization to flow in the vein of their pegs. They built a civilization on the site.Without understanding their faith, we will not be able to understand the strength of Islamic civilization throughout the ages. Prominent Muslim historians, Mahmud Octopussy never make a comparison (analogy) is very attractive, he said: "A person can not establish the architectural construction until after he examined the site, type of soil, water and others. A doctor will not be able to provide effective treatment until after she asked the patient about the cause, the food, beverage and others. Similarly, a historian is not allowed to mention a story that reached him or explain a passage without knowing the starting point of this community of faith and all that radiated from him the understanding, values ​​and purpose. This is because of the concern will be falsified at the back of his desires and the description of one that will lead to completely change a situation and away from real understanding. "(Mahmud Octopussy, Al-Al-Human Muntalaq fi al-Tarikh al-Islami, p. 3-4 , print: Dar al-Maktab al-Islamiy, Lebanon). The name and principles of Islam, Islamic civilization are built. That's what makes people formerly glorious and respected in the world. Without the principles of Islam can not be built based on the Islamic civilization. As - perhaps - in the spirit of 'kehantuan' exhibition onset of ghosts. Without the spirit of 'kehantuan' the ghost exhibition could not have continued. But people who want to build a civilization, may also be ghosts themselves are probably surprised to see such an exhibition.
By DR. MOHD. Asri

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